Joy to the World: How a St. Louis Radio Station is Sharing Joy (And How You Can Too)

There’s a radio station in St. Louis, Missouri, called Joy FM, and as we’re focusing on “joy” this month, we thought it would be fun to talk with a radio station that shares joy every day all day over the airwaves—and the Internet—and encourages their listeners to do so through various random acts of kindness!

Kim Underwood, the Afternoon Show co-host for Joy FM, was gracious enough to talk with us not only about the radio station but also some creative ways we all can join Joy FM listeners in sharing some joy with the world around us. Check out our conversation with Kim below!

Q&A with Kim Underwood

SIMQUILY: How do you describe Joy FM to people not familiar with the radio station?

KIM: It’s a radio station where you can listen to great, encouraging music, not worry about what your kids will hear, and have some fun! 

SIMQUILY: What is your role at the station? 

KIM: I’m the Afternoon Show co-host, and I do the graphic designs for Minute in the Word and the Daily Boost on our sister-station, Boost Radio. I’ve been with the ministry thirteen years in May. Time flies when you’re doing what you love!

SIMQUILY: What are some of the biggest blessings and challenges of working at Joy FM? 

KIM: One of the biggest blessings is the connection that we have with our listeners. Joy FM listeners are THE BEST! They are mission-minded, and we are reaching our city together. It’s just the coolest! I would say a challenge would be that with technology always changing, we have to grow and change in areas that aren’t necessarily about radio. We need to meet our listeners where they are, whether that’s on Facebook, Instagram, or Tik Tok (especially for our Boost audience).

SIMQUILY: Why is the radio station named “Joy”? 

KIM: We based our name off of Psalm 16:11: 

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” 

Our mission statement is this: Desiring obedience above all, we will use Christian Music as a means of encouraging believers, uniting the body of Christ and sharing the clear, life-changing message of Jesus with the world.

We look at everything we do through this lens, which brings a lot of clarity and freedom to do ministry!

SIMQUILY: What are some ways you and the other hosts encourage Joy FM listeners to share joy in St. Louis? 

KIM: This is such a fun question! Almost every day, we get the privilege of hearing from all of our listeners and the unique ways they share joy.

One of my faves . . . Someone put money in an envelope and taped it to the back of diapers! We heard from the person who got JOY’D, and they were just beside themselves that someone would be so kind!

Here are some other easy ideas to share joy:

  • Pay for the person behind you in the drive-through line.
  • Leave a quarter in the cart at Aldi’s.
  • Take some donuts to a school or a firehouse. 
  • Joy someone with groceries. 
  • Great for kids: Do the dishes or chores without being asked.

SIMQUILY: Do you ever hear from people who have been JOY’D? 

KIM: Yes! We hear from people who have never heard of Joy FM or the concept of getting “JOY’D,” and it’s been a real encouragement for them. People have called in and said that they were down to their last few dollars when someone paid for their groceries. It’s life-changing! 

SIMQUILY: What encouragement do you have for someone who would love to share some joy but is a bit hesitant to step outside their comfort zone to do so? 

KIM: Be brave! Everyone is dealing with something. What if God is going to use YOU to make a huge difference in someone’s life?

SIMQUILY: What else would you like to share about your experience working at the radio station?

KIM: I’ve been at Joy FM for almost thirteen years, and it’s totally my dream job! What makes my job so fun is the listeners. Being listener-supported not only means the station is commercial-free but also ensures that Christian music stays in St. Louis and beyond for years to come. 

To those who support us, thank you so much for not only entrusting us but also for being on mission with us to reach our city for Christ! We wouldn’t have it any other way!

Meet Kim Underwood 

Kim was born in the Pacific Northwest and has lived in a lot of places between here and there, but after eighteen years Kim calls St. Louis her home. She is the Afternoon Drive co-host on Joy FM and in her off time enjoys mentoring younger women. She is a former National Anthem Singer for the Chicago Cubs and Chicago Bulls, a cancer survivor, and fiercely committed to Sunday afternoon naps. Realizing how fun it is to win, and wanting friends, she became a St. Louis Cardinals fan soon after her move to St. Louis.

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