The Peaceful Home: Finding Solace in the Chaos of Everyday Life

by Andrea Chatelain

I know exactly when it’s about to hit—that moment when all the chaos around me triggers anxiety or severe frustration. Like when I’m in the kitchen stirring soup for supper and all the while the dog is barking to go outside, kids are squabbling about a card game, one is crying, and a door slams. All of a sudden, everything—the soup on the stove and my emotions—boils over. We all have lists containing little and big problems to be solved that demand our peace as ransom. But we don’t have to give in anymore. We can have a peaceful home amidst the chaos of everyday life.

Invite The Source

A few years ago, my house lived under a cloud of frustration. Why? Because that’s how I felt. I thought it was my job to hold everything together. As I scrolled social media snapshots of happy, perfect-looking women with their smiling faces, I felt like a failure. There didn’t seem to be enough of me for two little kids, one baby, a husband, and a job. Soon, my attitude matched my exhaustion.

Enter Jesus. The Prince of what now? Oh yes, peace.

He prompted me to open my Bible. Expecting to learn how to be a better version of myself, I instead soaked up how God is our peace, especially when ours is lacking. As we spend time in His Word and fill ourselves with His love and grace, we naturally overflow to our people even when they don’t deserve it.

Instead of reacting and doing damage control when chaos hits, did you know you can preemptively claim your day’s tranquility?

Start your day talking to God in prayer. Praise Him for being your ultimate peacemaker, thank Him for how He showed grace to you this week, confess ways you’ve not been a peacemaker, and ask Him to continue to meet your needs. Inviting Jesus in your home each morning welcomes His presence, power, and wisdom also.

“Expecting to learn how to be a better version of myself, I instead soaked up how God is our peace, especially when ours is lacking.”

If you’re more comfortable with following suggested Bible readings than flipping to an entirely new passage or picking up where you last left off, consider subscribing to a daily devotional. My favorites are IF:equip daily studiesThe First5 app, and Our Daily Bread video devotionals

Scripture promises that as we come near to God, He comes near to us (James 8:8). That He hears our prayers (Psalm 66:19). And He is the source of peace through His Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). So begin transforming your home by letting Jesus in.

Create Peaceful Spaces for your Family

If you need a retreat to connect to Jesus, the Source of peace, your spouse and children do too.

When my daughter had some emotional outbursts, I realized she needed a safe space to reflect and calm down. So we bought a cozy teal bean bag chair for her room and set it by her window and bookshelf. Days later, I noticed she had retreated there when she had become upset, and when I peeked in to check on her I noticed she was resting, quietly reading a book. I realized that as we model and teach the need for rest and solitude, we’re also planting healthy seeds of peace for our kids.

Create an inviting prayer nook or a quiet corner for each person in your home. Make it theirs with specific art, plants, books, journals, and Scripture verses. Then give graceful opportunities for them to practice peace through solitude each week. Perhaps this could be part of your lazy Sunday routine when everyone retreats to their spaces for an hour. Or maybe the spaces become shelters for hard moments. Either way, give your people the opportunity to retreat to silence and God’s presence when needed.

Pursue Peace

Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God,” Matthew 5:9 ESV.

You are a peacemaker. But being one takes concentration and commitment. You’ll have setbacks. No one is perfect. But as you continue to learn and grow in Christ, you’ll redirect from emotion to grace quicker. The baseline of your home will be God’s peace instead of yours.

As you and I set our minds and hearts on the peacemaker path, our home atmosphere will brighten. Little grievances will be more easily forgiven. Big issues will be brought in prayer to the Lord and navigated with His wisdom.

Invite Jesus daily to be your source of peace. Create spaces to retreat, reconnect, and find solace. And commit to your new name of “Peacemaker” bringing a fresh dose of grace to your people and your home.

Meet Andrea Chatelain

Andrea Chatelain’s mission is to meet women in their struggles and love them forward with God’s truth. She’s a Midwest mom of three, faith and family writer/speaker at, devotional writer for Our Daily Bread, and college English instructor to immigrants and refugees. She loves connecting with women to remind them they can find everything they need in Jesus. Connect with Andrea more on Instagram and Facebook.

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